Karine dronen (Karine.Dronen at im.uib.no) wrote:
: I'am gone use Pseudomonas putida in exogenous plasmid isolation. I want to use the Eckhardt
: procedure fore screening, hoping to catch the big plasmids. Unfortunately this Pseudomonas strain
: seems very hard to get lysed with lysozyme, RNase and protease treatment. So if there is anyone
: out there who had tried Pseudomonas strains with the Eckhardt technique, please shear your
: experience with me. Also: If there is another successful method for screening Pseudomonas in big
: scale, I would appreciate hearing from you.
I ever checked hundreds of Rhzobium meliloti with Eckardt's method, it
easily saw the 1500kn plasmids. You can ask detail by email me if you
further want to know more in detail. Cheng Luo 30/07/95
: Thank you,
: Karine Dronen
: e-mail address: Karine.Dronen at im.uib.no