Enumeration of Non-culturable bacteria using CTC ???????

Douglas B. Kell dbk at aber.ac.uk
Mon Jul 24 03:32:56 EST 1995

In article <3utjht$m6m at columba.udac.uu.se> Veljo Kisand <veljo.kisand at limno.uu.se> writes:
>cs9040 at wlv.ac.uk (Chris Thomas) wrote:
>>Does anybody happen to know where I can buy some 5-cyano-2,3-ditolyl 
>>tetrazolium chloride (CTC) from?  I have tried the usual suppliers 
>>e.g Sigma, Fisons etc, with no joy.
>>If anybody using the dye could point me in the right direction I would 
>>appreciate it.

Polysciences, Ltd,
Handelsstra_e 3,
D-W-6904 Eppelheim,

fax: 00-49 62 21 76 46 20

5-cyano-2,3-ditolyl tetrazolium chloride (CTC), Catalogue Number 19292

>I really don't know where You can buy but maybe You can a little share 
>knowledge about for what and how You like to use CTC. Just the subject of 
>your posting was interestin for me, I working also with non-culturable 
>bacteria (freshwater lake bacteria).
>Veljo Kisand
Kaprelyants, A.S. & Kell, D.B. (1993) The use of 5-cyano-2,3-ditolyl tetrazolium chloride 
and flow cytometry for the visualisation of respiratory activity in individual cells of 
Micrococcus luteus. J. Microbiol. Methods. 17, 115-122.

Kaprelyants, A.S., Gottschal, J.C. & Kell, D.B. (1993) Dormancy in nonsporulating bacteria. 
FEMS Microbiol. Rev. 104, 271-286.

Kaprelyants, A.S. & Kell, D.B. (1993) Dormancy in stationary-phase cultures of 
Micrococcus luteus: flow cytometric analysis of starvation and resuscitation. Appl. Env. 
Microbiol. 59, 3187-3196.

Votyakova, T.V., Kaprelyants, A.S. & Kell, D.B. (1994) Influence of viable cells on the 
resuscitation of dormant cells in Micrococcus luteus cultures held in extended stationary 
phase. The population effect. Appl. Env. Microbiol. 60, 3284-3291.

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