Confocal Microscopy

Paul DeLeo pd12 at cornell.edu
Sat Jul 22 09:57:02 EST 1995

In article <3uja3f$g5c at news.orst.edu>, Steven Poet <poets at ccmail.orst.edu>

> I would appreciate any information or reference for the theory and
> applications of the confocal microscope.   Thanks

Brakenhoff, G.J., E.A. Van Spronsen, H.T.M. Van Der Voort and N. Nanninga.
1989. Three-dimensional confocal fluorescence microscopy. In: Methods in
Cell Biology. Academic Press. 30:379-398.

Caldwell, D.E., D.R. Korber and J.R. Lawrence. 1992. Confocal laser
microscopy and digital image analysis in microbial ecology.  In: (K.C.
Marshall, ed.) Advances in Microbial Ecology. Plenum Press. 12: 1-67.

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