enzyme renaturation

Jeffrey Mahr szjmahr at peseta.ucdavis.edu
Fri Jul 21 20:11:17 EST 1995

On 14 Jul 1995 dowdeswm at meena.cc.uregina.ca wrote:

> I need specific examples of enzymes which undergo renaturation.  If anyone
> has any information please provide the name of the enzyme, where it is found,
> its substrate, conditions which cause denaturation, and conditions which
> cause renaturation.  Also if possible please specify whether the procedure
> will occur when the enzyme is isolated in a test tube or if chaperones
> are needed
> Thanks for any help
> Marla Dowdeswell
> DOWDESWM at meena.cc.uregina.ca
	I hope that i am not being flip by suggesting the obvious - RNAse - 
the most durable protein around.> 

sincerly - jamahr at ucdavis.edu

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