Help Growing Thermotoga

Ted M. tedm at darkwing.uoregon.edu
Fri Jul 21 23:00:29 EST 1995

   I am attempting to grow Thermotoga maritima in small scale culture. So
far the MMS media described by the culture collection (DSM) has been
horrible! It contains loads of Na2S and precipitates like crazy, is other
media effective?
Any experience with Difco Marine Broth or SSM media? Also, how are long
term stocks (-70°C) made? I tried glycerol and managed to lyse the usually
tough little bugger... How is growth at lower pressures than the described

Feel free to Email any insight, it is much appreciated
                                                  Ted Michelini
                                                  University of Oregon
                                                  Institute of Molecular Biology
                                                   tedm at darkwing.uoregon.edu

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