I need monod constants.

K N and P J Harris ecoli at cix.compulink.co.uk
Fri Jul 21 15:42:19 EST 1995

Can't help you with Benzene constant :(. A charming Russian (I've 
met him) called Zygvantsiev (probably wrong spelling but I don't have my 
refs with me) carried out work on soils donkeys years ago and stated 
that less than 1% of soil bacteria were in the soil solution. Rest were 
glued down. This as near as you can get to a bit of soil microbiology 
carved in stone as I have not come across ANY other work that is quoted 
as often. It is the best figure that we have which is a pity. (Please 
some-one tell me different !).
Peter Harris,Soil Microbiology, University of Reading, UK.
AKA <P.J.Harris at reading.ac.uk>

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