Request:Info on GOOD FTP/WEB sites for Shreware/freeware

George F. Mayhew mayhew at genetics.wisc.edu
Thu Jul 20 09:29:42 EST 1995

In article <3ulj4m$ajm at sifon.cc.mcgill.ca>, Graham Dellaire
<popa0206 at PO-Box.McGill.CA> wrote:

>Hello All,
>I am trying to compile a list of  molecular biology/genetics
shareware(freeware) FTP and web sites

Try SoftSearch at GDB:


and, of course, IUBIO:


Have fun.


"People are DNA's way of making more DNA."(Edward O. Wilson, 1975)
\ / \  \ / \  \ / \  \ /   George Mayhew   \ / \  \ / \  \ / \  \ 
 \  /\  \  /\  \ E. coli Genome Sequencing Project \  /\  \  /\  \
  \/  \__\/  \__\mayhew at midgaard.genetics.wisc.edu__\/  \__\/  \__\
     University of Wisconsin - Madison, Laboratory of Genetics,
  College of Agricultural and Life Sciences and the Medical School
               445 Henry Mall, Madison, WI 53706
            Phone: 608-262-2534    Fax: 608-263-7459 

+++ For my PGP pubkey, finger me at anthill.genetics.wisc.edu  +++

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