Post-Doc pos'n available

Charles Mulks 21667cfm at msu.edu
Tue Jul 18 11:53:53 EST 1995

Post-doctoral research associate position availabe immediately to study
pathogenesis of Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (APP) respiratory infections
in swine and to develop and test recombinant subunit and live attenuated
vaccines against APP infections.  Research requires experience in cloning,
expression, and sequencing of prokaryotic genes;  construction and analysis
of mutant strains;  purification and analysis of proteins; familiarity with
immunologic techniques such as Western blot and ELISA.

Qualifications: Ph.D. in microbiology, molecular biology, biochemistry, or
related discipline.

Position available August 1, 1995.

Applications:  Send curriculum vitae and three letters of recommendation to:

               Dr. Martha H. Mulks
               Department of Microbiology
               Michigan State University
               East Lansing, Michigan  48824

               E-mail address:  mulks at pilot.msu.edu

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