campylobacter plasmids

Michael Hynes hynes at acs.ucalgary.ca
Tue Jul 18 14:52:14 EST 1995

In article <ECS9507171605A at wlv.ac.uk>, a9480643 at wlv.ac.uk (iain andrew
davidson) wrote:

> Does anyone out there have a small plasmid suitable for transforming 
> campylobacter jejuni with something like a CaCl2 mediated
transformation, if so 
> please contact me as soon as possible because my project time is slowly
> away!
> i.a.davidson at wlv.ac.uk

Diane Taylor at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB Canada, Dept of 
Microbiology and Immunology is working on genetics of Campylobacter and 
Helicobacter and she might be worth contacting, I believe she has some 
shuttle vectors that she uses for these bacteria, since she mentioned them 
in a seminar of hers that I attended. Good luck.  MH
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      Blame the counterculture and the global village
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