POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT - Director, Env. Sci. Ph.D. Program

Abdul K. A. Mohamed amohamed at ccaix.jsums.edu
Wed Jul 12 22:22:20 EST 1995


		Director, Environmental Science Ph.D. Program

			 Jackson State University
			   Jackson, Mississippi

Jackson State University seeks an individual whose background complements 
our current expertise in environmental health, or toxicology research, or 
hazardous materials management.

Minimum Qualifications:

- Ph.D. degree in or closely related to the field of expertise.
- Seasoned researcher and teacher.
- Experience in administering a program.
- Have the ability to attract extramural support (for students and research).
- Have the ability to interact with faculty, administrators, and students.
- Perceive himself/herself as a positive role model for minority students 
in environmental science.

To Apply: Please send a letter of application, vita, and three (3) 
letters of recommendation to:

Search Committee for
Director, Environemntal Science Ph.D. Program
P.O. Box 18750
Jackson State University
Jackson, MS  39217-1050

Fax: (601) 968-2058
E-Mail: <wwhite at ccaix.jsums.edu> or <amohamed at ccaix.jsums.edu>

Note: If you are sending your application materials in fax or e-mail, 
please follow it up with a hardcopy in regular mail.



Abdul Mohamed, Dean
School of Science and Technology

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