M.Xenopi susceptibility?

Dennis Gaunt dgaunt at uhl.uiowa.edu
Thu Jul 13 12:47:42 EST 1995

There is a reference to using fluoroquinolones against M. xenopi in
Fluoroquinolones In The Treatment of Infect. Dis..  No details are
given except a reference to Salfinger, M. et.al. in J. Antimicrob
Chemother 1988, 22(suppl d):55-63.

Christine A Zurawski (czuraws at curly.cc.emory.edu) wrote:
: i need to treat an HIV (+) patient with active pulmonary infection (not 
: contaminant) with Mycobacterium Xenopi. anyone with a reference regarding 
: susceptibility to macrolides such as clarithromycin or quinolones?
: chris
: czuraws at emory.edu

| Dennis D. Gaunt                   | Internet: dgaunt at uhl.uiowa.edu | 
| The University of Iowa            |    Voice: (319) 335-4500       |
| Oakdale Research Campus           |      FAX: (319) 335-4555       |
| Iowa City, Iowa  52242            |                                |

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