Searching For Cellulase Enzyme Prior Art or Prior Use Info ?

CPN INTt cpnintt at aol.com
Mon Jul 10 21:53:35 EST 1995

I am searching for help in locating prior art or prior use information on
the use of cellulase enzymes in textile applications, cellulase effect on
cotton, cellulase effect on removal of dye, cellulase effect on removal of
ink, cellulase effect on softening cotton, cellulase bleeching effec,
etc... .

The prior art should have a priority date prior to Sept 15, 1988 and
preferably prior to Sept 15, 1987.  However their may be later art that
sights prior art in it that will have priority to these dates so later art
may be of interest as well?

We currently have many prior art references in case anyone need any of
this art as well but we would like to make sure we are not missing any
valuable art or use information in our search? 

We have been successful in reexamanation in the U.S. Patent office in
overturning the last of the Ecolab, Stonewash patents and we would like to
better prepare ourselves for the upcoming battle to invalidate all the
patents as they are all related to one another in an upcoming court
battle.  We know that there probably is many prior art references we are
not familar with as well as prior use information and anything as trival
as you may think it is may be extremely helpful
in our effort!  ( Example: the prior art teaches removal of dye from dyed
crystaline cellulose " Leiosola" is one such assay to measure strength of
cellulase enzyme by dye removal ! )  I know there are others and they may
be more useful as well as their may be numerous other references showing
similar effect on dyed cotton textiles, preferably indigo dyed cotton ?

Thanks for your help


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