Please help me find info on Morganella morganii

J. Pendino c592417 at showme.missouri.edu
Tue Jul 11 13:25:34 EST 1995

   I am in desparate need of finding some information on Morganella
morganii.  I am having a hard time obtaining a copy of Bergey's Manual and
thought that someone may be able to help me out with my search.  What I
need to know is the habitat, disease/pathogenicity, importance clinically
and some physiological and biochemical characteristics.  
   This would be of great help to me because I am pressed for time and
have been unsuccessful in tracking down Bergey's Manual at the library, I
think that some inconsiderate students took the copies that were there
   If you can help me you will get a very nice thank you E-mail from
me....Thanks inadvance.

                              J. Pendino

Jeff Pendino
C592417 at showme.missouri.edu
"Cyberspace is your friend.  ;)"

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