S. Frog darcoda at telerama.lm.com
Mon Jul 10 13:53:28 EST 1995

	Hello.  I'm not sure if this is the proper group to ask this 
question, and if it isn't, I apologize, but I have a question about the flu.
	Yes, the common old flu.  First of all, is it a retrovirus?  
Second, if it isn't, then I think my definition of a retrovirus is wrong, 
so could someone please explain it?
	Thirdly, I heard somewhere (don't ask me where) that the flu is 
only around a hundred thirty years old, and it mutated from some other 
virus.  Thus the high casualty rate when it first hit right after world 
war I.  Is this true?

	Sorry, that's three questions, not just one. :)


								S. Frog


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