Colony counts: human vs. software

100645.1671 at compuserve.com 100645.1671 at compuserve.com
Sun Jul 9 07:00:52 EST 1995

I would imagine that the hardest part of automated plate counting 
is the setting up.  It will take time for you to fine tune the 
system to give what you regard as accurate results.  For this 
reason you will have to check the results for the first two or 
three months with an ongoing check process once every one or two 
months.  Don't despair, automated plate counting must be the best 
way to improve your efficiency however, always remember that 
computers only do what they are told, 'garbage in, garbage out' 
is a very true statement so take your time when you are setting 
up the system and get a decent image acquisition system, as money 
saved on this will be wasted further down the line.  It will be 
worth it in the end.  

Jon. Griffiths

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