Where can I buy hydroxylapatite beads?

Bruce Micales bmicales at facstaff.wisc.edu
Sat Jul 8 00:50:16 EST 1995

In article <Pine.SUN.3.91.950706182129.6909A-100000 at chuma> "Ed Seijo (BIO)" <seijo at chuma.cas.usf.edu> writes:
>I am interested in finding out where I can buy hydroxylapatite (HA) beads 
>which are used in the study of S. mutans adherence assays. I have heard 
>that they are no longer produced by the company often cited in the 
>literature: BDH Chemicals Ltd., Poole, England. If this is true are there 
>are any other companies that carry this product? I would appreciate any info.

>Ed Seijo


I am not sure how different the product might be from that of BDH Chemical, 
however, BioRad Labs does sell HA that is used in binding nucleic acids.  You 
can also prepare your own HA (see Lachance, M.  1980.  IJSB. vol. 30. pgs 

Again the HA that is prepared is used bind nucleic acids.  BTW, I have 
compareds the "homemade" HA with the commerical HA, and have not found a 
difference in their performance.

I hope this helps.

Bruce Micales

Bruce Micales
bmicales at facstaff.wisc.edu
Department of Anatomy
Amateur Radio : WA2DEU

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