analysis of benzoate ??

Andreas Brune Andreas.Brune at uni-konstanz.de
Fri Jul 7 03:18:10 EST 1995

In article <3tg6gn$h90 at worak.kaist.ac.kr>,
   jylee <jylee at chiak.kaist.ac.kr> wrote:

>I am now interested in the quantative analysis of benzoate.
>Information on any methods based on biological, chemical, and 
>whatever (except UV absorption) will be much appreciated.

If you have access to an HPLC, easiest analytical solution would be
separation on any standard reversed phase ODS column with a MeoH/50 mM
ammonium phosphate buffer pH 2.6 eluent (ca. 40:60) and UV dectection
at 254 (or 210, if you need more sensitivity) nm wavelength.

Very sensitive, fast (5 min), automatizable, and little interference 
(since separation) of related compounds.

Hope this helps.


Dr. Andreas Brune         	Phone: 	+49-7531-883282
Mikrobielle Oekologie     	Fax:   	+49-7531-882966
Universitaet Konstanz     	E-mail:	Andreas.Brune at uni-konstanz.de

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