Microbiology Resources for HS Student

robison at golgi.harvard.edu robison at golgi.harvard.edu
Thu Jul 6 13:25:16 EST 1995

Ben Le Roy (lhansen at ccvax.fullerton.edu) wrote:
: Hi everyone.  I'm a High School student looking for some resources on micro-
: biology.  Nothing incredibly techincal, just some nice, non-specific information.
: I've looked at my local library and I've found next to nil.  Thanks--

You might try poking around in


While a lot of the info there is technical, there is also stuff
intended for lay audiences.  In particular, check out

	Bugs in the News

which has nice background information on news stories which
touch on microbiology.


Keith Robison
Harvard University
Department of Cellular and Developmental Biology
Department of Genetics / HHMI

robison at mito.harvard.edu 

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