Looking for Clostridium McAb

Usenet News news at ovisun.ovi.ac.za
Wed Jul 5 04:23:35 EST 1995

I am looking for monoclonal antibodies to Clostridium botulinum C1 
and D neurotoxins, Clostridium tetani tetanus toxin and Clostridium 
perfringens alpha-, beta- and epsilon toxins.  What is the going rate 
for monoclonal antibodies?  I plan to use the reagents in ELISA 
systems to detect the toxins of interest.

Please respond via email.
My email address is:  charlotte at moon.ovi.ac.za

 Kind regards

 Ms Charlotte Ellis

Fax no: 27 12 56 56 573

Address:  Onderstepoort
          Private Bag X5
          South Africa

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