kombucha "mushroom"

Steven Carpenter microbe at PEAK.ORG
Wed Jul 5 09:04:14 EST 1995

The long discussion about which species can or cannot hurt you is
based on a dangerous assumption that each kombucha culture is 
exactly the same.  This is doubtful.  The kombucha is grown in open
air by many people (like sourdough) and is capable of having a number
of wild species and strains of both bacteria, filamentous and single
celled fungi.  Yes, someone may have analyzed a culture of kombucha,
but nobody to my knowledge has identified fungi and bacteria in ALL existing

Like the container used to ferment pickles, this kombucha thing is
mostly a crock.

-Steve Carpenter
 Cascade Research Associates
  & Abbey Lane Laboratory
 microbe at peak.org

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