Zoonotic Infections anyone?

rwhitha at eagle.cc.emory.edu rwhitha at eagle.cc.emory.edu
Sat Jul 1 17:24:35 EST 1995


   I would like to correspond with people interested in zoonotic infections. For those of you who don’t know, these are infections
that can be transmitted between humans and other animals. Whether you are a DVM, MD, wildlife rehabilitation personnel, biologist,
epidemiologist, just an interested individual or whatever, I’d like to correspond with you. A multinational conversation would be nice.

   I’ve been interested in zoonotics for many years and find only passive interest in the scientific community. As for money for research
opportunities, ......... need I elaborate? Topics that have struck my fancy are new and emerging infections, land management and
the emergence of new foci for zoonotics, the search for animal reservoirs other than cattle of E. Coli O157:H7, animal reservoirs in
general, mechanisms involved in host or target organ specificity, new cross species infections and their consequences (Ebola),
methods of surveillance and preventive measures against transcontinental spread of disease and animal reservoirs, and many more.

   I’m interested mostly in creative individuals. Many subjects are not being addressed by the scientific community nor by the
population in general. I would like to meet those people that want to be creative in addressing these issues in the areas of public
awareness and in concrete actions.

   I hope to put up a colorful and inventive homepage on the World Wide Web (in English and other languages with your help) for
zoonotics. Anyone having experience that could help me in this endeavor would be more than welcome.

   PLEASE ADDRESS ALL RESPONSES TO MY E-MAIL ADDRESS : rwhitha at eagle.cc.emory.edu.

  Any suggestions would be appreciated. You can correspond with me in English ou en Français si ça vous chante.

                                                                                                Raymond G. Whitham, MD, DVM

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