Kinyoun's stain?

Jim McLaughlin jmclau at medusa.unm.edu
Fri Jan 27 17:49:54 EST 1995

The formulas and procedure for the Kinyoun stain can also be found of page
1308 of the 5th edition of the Manual of Clinical Microbiology published
by the American Society of Microbiology.

In article <A9B3992BD1 at microb.umd.edu>, ASMITH at MICROB.UMD.EDU ("Ann C. Smith") says:
>Dear All,
>In our general microbiolgy course for undergraduates my students 
>perform the Acid Fast stain.  We use the procedure that involves 
>steaming with carbolfuschin.  I am aware that an alternate stain is 
>available (Kinyoun stain).  I have not been able to find a procedure.
>Any help?
>I would also appreciate any general reference on staining in 
>microbiology.  I am interested in techniques and theory.
>Thank you!
>Ann C. Smith Ph.D.
>Coordinator, Undergraduate Studies
>Department of Microbiology
>University of Maryland
>College Park, MD 20742

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