Distinguishing stringent from relaxed?

kertesz at micro.biol.ethz.ch kertesz at micro.biol.ethz.ch
Sun Jan 29 18:46:20 EST 1995

In article <3g66hv$a6v at mserv1.dl.ac.uk> mbpln at s-crim1.dl.ac.uk (M.J. Pallen) writes:

 Does anyone have a handy way of scoring the 
>relA-negative phenotype, so that I can check that I really do have a relA 
>mutation in the second strain? Cahel & Rudd in Neidhardt's E. coli & S. 
>typhimurium book mention SMG medium. Is this the best way of 
>distinguishing stringent from relaxed strains?

The method I used was serine sensitivity. For a useful reference, see Uzan & 
Danchin, Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. (1976), vol. 69, p. 751-758. "A rapid 
test for the relA mutation in Escherichia coli".

all the best,

Michael Kertesz

Zurich, Switzerland.

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