Info from IJSB Jan'95 issue

John Bowman john.bowman at antcrc.utas.edu.au
Sun Jan 29 22:05:51 EST 1995

To any IJSB subscriber:

For completing a grant application and my CV, I need to find the page
numbers of an article published in the January 1995 issue of
Internation Journal of Systematic Bacteriology (the issue should be
just out). The arcticle is by Bowman et al. and is titled "The
phylogenetic position of the Methylococcaceae". Can anyone tell me the
page numbers of this article. I won't get my copy till March or so,
being in Australia (I didn't order any reprints either),

Thanks in advance

John (email: john.bowman at antcrc.utas.edu.au)

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