Help with microbiology

Ronda M Devold devold at badlands.NoDak.edu
Sun Jan 29 00:59:49 EST 1995

Philip Stortz (Philip.Stortz at Microserve.com) wrote:
: Hi I am a college student and am lookinJ for any information on the following
: if you can help I would appreciate it. 1  Actnomyces 2 Bacillus 3 Bordetella
: 4 Blastomyces 5 Borrelia 6 Brucella  7 Candida 8 Chamydia 9 Clostridium
: 10 Coccidoides 11 Corynebacterium 12 Entamoeba 14 Epidermophyton
: 15 Epidermophyton    Thank you in advance.  Any information would be a great

Have you checked a college library??  There you could find all of the 
information you are looking for in one place.  I hardly think that anyone 
is going to be able to give you that much info. here on so many subjects.

Ronda DeVold     devold at badlands.NoDak.edu     Fargo, ND

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