Erythromycin resistant pertussis

Paul H. Demchick Paul.Demchick at LAMBADA.OIT.UNC.EDU
Thu Jan 26 16:36:03 EST 1995

I have <<<heard>>> of recent problems Bordetella pertussis which is
erythromycin resistant.  However, the folks I was chatting with did not
know specifics or references.  Medline (on CD-ROM  wasn't helpful (however,
that may be due to publication and indexing and distribution lags).  Anyone
know anything about this?

Thanks much,


Paul H. Demchick
Cell Biology Program
Department of Biological and Physical Sciences
[No street address required]
B A R T O N   C O L L E G E
Wilson, NC  27893

paul.demchick at launchpad.unc.edu

Telephone: 919-399-6467
FAX: 919-237-4957

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