Distinguishing stringent from relaxed?

M.J. Pallen mbpln at s-crim1.dl.ac.uk
Wed Jan 25 13:55:47 EST 1995

oops forgot my signature. Here it is...
Dr Mark Pallen, Senior Lecturer in Medical Microbiology, 
St Bartholomew's Hospital Medical College, London, EC1A 7BE
currently at the Dept of Biochemistry, Imperial College, London, SW7 2AY 
email:m.pallen at ic.ac.uk  
phone: day ++44(0)1715945254, eves ++44(0)1815057937, FAX ++44(0)1715945255
                            lag                   ellum
                             f   e               lag 
       ecoliecoliecoliecoliecoli  l            mf 
      cecoliecoliecoliecoliecolii  l          u 
      eecoliecoliecoliecoliecolic   umf     ll      
      coecoliecoliecoliecoliecoli      l  ge 
       ecoliecoliecoliecoliecoli        a         
         p                   f       fl g 
        i                   l     lum   el
       l                     agel         lu
      u                                      mflagellum

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