Cambridge Healthtech Institute chi at world.std.com
Wed Jan 25 16:11:49 EST 1995

Cambridge Healthtech Institute will be sponsoring a conference titled,
"Designing Better Drugs and Clinical Trials for SEPSIS/SIRS: Reducing
Mortality to Patients and Suppliers."  This meeting will be held on
February 20-21, 1995 in Washington, DC.

The conference seeks to address the key issues that might explain why
this syndrome has been so difficult to treat, and more importantly,
assist in redirecting efforts that may provide much better results.

For more information contact Cambridge Healthtech Institute:
chi at world.std.com.

*>>>>>>>>>>>>        Cambridge Healthtech Institute      <<<<<<<<<<<<<*
*>>>>>               1000 Winter Street, Suite 3700              <<<<<*
*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~          Waltham, MA  02154       ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*
*tel: 617.487.7989                                   fax: 617.487.7937*
*e-mail: chi at world.std.com      ++++++++    ftp: ftp.std.com: /pub/chi*
*>>>>>>>>>>>>World Wide Web: http://id.wing.net/~chi/homepg.html<<<<<<*

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