
Lynn Bry aj088 at FreeNet.Carleton.CA
Sat Jan 21 23:03:49 EST 1995

>I would like to know if it is common practice for medical doctors to perscribe
>yogurt to patients that have undergone surgery or antibiotic treatment in order
>to assist in the restoration of GI microflora. It would be really helpful to ge
>a reference (article or textbook) where this practice is recommended.

No. I would say it is not a practice in the US, at least I have
never seen or heard of anyone prescribing yoghurt. For one thing,
the culturing organisms do make a significant contribution to
the enteric microflora in humans. I have heard of a cocktail of
7 or so organisms that could reconstitute a 'normal microflora'
after prolonged tratment with certain antibiotics. I think the
studies were done in healthy volunteers, and I have never heard
of it being used to treat conditions such as pseudomembranous
colitis... Try looking under E. Balish.. he may have had 
something to do with it.. 


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