Microbiology Workshops at ASM General Meeting

achang at asmusa.org Amy
Fri Jan 20 08:42:15 EST 1995

The American Society for Microbiology is sponsoring 24 continuing 
education workshops on May 20-21, 1995 in Washington, DC.  
The workshops offer a broad spectrum of topics which will be of 
interest to those working in the  clinical, environmental, industrial,
 foods, management, or educational fields.  Fees range from
 $50 to $345, and by meeting the preregistration deadline of
 April 14, 1995, the lower fees for each class will apply.  To receive 
the Preliminary Program booklet in the mail, please send your 
complete name and address to "TrainingInformation at asmusa.org". 
 If you wish to receive just the workshop information by facsimile, 
contact the Training Coordinator at fax number (202) 942-9329.

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