Seeking Aquaspirillium (Magnetospirillium) magnetotacticum

Eric R. Hugo e_hugo at dsu1.dsu.nodak.edu
Tue Jan 17 23:51:25 EST 1995

Dear Bionetters,
	I am searching for a culture of Aquaspirillium (Magnetospirillium) magnetotacticum, a
magnetotactic bacterium.  Do any of you have a culture of this critter.
I also would appreciate any growth tips for this organism if any of you
have any suggestions.  Many thanks!

  // \\          // \\  // \\          // \\  // \\          // \\  // \\
Eric Hugo, Ph.D.// |:,\\': | \\      // | :,\\': | \\      // | :,\\': | \\
e_hugo at dsu1.dsu.nodak.edu\ | | \\  // | | //  \\ | | \\  // | | //  \\ | |
Asst. Professor, Biology  \\ | :,\\': | //      \\ | :,\\': | //      \\ |
Dickinson State University  \\ //  \\ //          \\ //  \\ //          \\
Dickinson, ND  58601    |PGP 2.6 Key available from most key servers

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