reproductive rates of paramecia

Lex minyee at unixg.ubc.ca
Mon Jan 16 20:37:29 EST 1995

Hello.  My friends and I are designing an experiment on the effects of 
oil on paramecia.  We have chosen to focus specifically on paramecium 
reproductive rates as a result/function of light levels.  However, there 
are some questions to be clarified before we can be fully confident in 
commencing our researach:

1)  We need to keep our samples alive for several weeks.  We are planning 
to feed them E. coli.  How much would we need per week?

2)  How often do paramecia reproduce?

3)  How do you cultivate paramecia in a laboratory?

4)  Our hypothesis is:  decreased light level results in a slower 
paramecium reproductive rate.  Are we way off base here?  Does light have 
any effect on paramecia at all?

5)  Has this experiment been done before?  What were the results?  

If anyone can help us, please reply or e-mail me at minyee at unixg.ubc.ca.  
thank you for your time, and we await your timely response.

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