What Is Life ?

riggsby at utkvx.utk.edu riggsby at utkvx.utk.edu
Tue Jan 17 04:10:28 EST 1995

In Article <3f7kop$s3t at dingo.cc.uq.oz.au>
pd120395 at dingo.cc.uq.oz.au (Nigel Stobbs) writes:
  I am specifically 
>intereted in precisely what it is that a biologically living thing has 
>that no purely artificial thing can ever have.


A biologically living thing has an evolutionary relationship with all other
living things. No "purely artificial thing" can be endowed with this organic
connection with the natural biotic world.  Sorry to be so wordy; I originally
said only " an evolutionary relationship with other living things", but the
mailer rejected the post because the included text was longer than the added

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