Plasmid Curing

Roy Goodacre rrg at aber.ac.uk
Mon Jan 16 09:43:21 EST 1995

David writes...

Fellow micronetters, other than ethidium bromide, how does one cure a strain 
of its plasmids, when the plasmids lack antibiotic resistance markers to start


It is very difficult to come up with a single solution to cure a strain of 
its plasmids.  What is needed is some mehtod to put the cell under stress 
either physically or chemically.  For a general paper on curing methods, 
including both physical and chemical please see:

Stanisich V.A. (1988) Identification of plasmids at the genetic level. In 
'Methods in Microbiology' 21 (J. Grinsted & P.M. Bennet eds.) Chap 2, 17-21.  
London: Academic Press.

I found that novobiocin is very good for pBR322, but not for pACYC184 which 
reiterates what is said above.  Although it is an old paper, it is a good one 
and see:

Wiesser, J. & Wiedemann, B. (1985)  Elimination of plasmids by new 
4-quinolones.  Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 28, 700-702.

I hope this helps some

Dr Roy Goodacre            E-mail: rrg at aber.ac.uk
FTP:      Voice:  +44 970 623111 ext 4187 (work)
Fax:   +44 970 622354              +44 974 241236 (home)
URL:   http://gepasi.dbs.aber.ac.uk/roy/chemom.htm
Snail: Inst Biol Sci, University of Wales, Aberystwyth, Dyfed, UK

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