Replica-plating of bacterial colonies

RICHARD A. MURPHY 312-996-8630 U14663 at UICVM.UIC.EDU
Wed Jan 11 19:43:05 EST 1995

> We are currently looking for an alternative to 'velvets' for replica-plating
> of bacterial spread cultures. Does anyone currently use or know of a good
> alternative or commercial apparatus.
> Thanks for any replies in advance.
We have used Schleicher & Schuell's Accutran Replica Plater.  It IS a
velvet replicator but it is commercially made and worked fairly well.
The phone number in the United States is 800-245-4024.
|Richard A. Murphy, PhD              Bitnet: U14663 at uicvm.bitnet    |
|University of Illinois at Chicago   Internet: U14663 at uicvm.uic.edu |
|Department of Oral Medicine         Fax: 1-312-996-1022            |
|  and Diagnostic Sciences           Phone: 1-312-996-8630          |
|801 S. Paulina                                                     |
|Chicago, IL 60612                                                  |

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