Help: E.Bola and Four Corners Diseases

RYBICKI, ED ED at molbiol.uct.ac.za
Tue Jan 10 03:17:05 EST 1995

> Subject:       Re: Help: E.Bola and Four Corners Diseases
> Date:          9 Jan 1995 11:07:10 GMT

> In article <95005.210035IFH100 at psuvm.psu.edu> Mercutio 
<IFH100 at psuvm.psu.edu> writes:
> >If anyone could send me information on these two disease, I would
> >greatly appreciate it.  Especially Four Corners Disease not 
> >with hantavirus.  
Try wwwing to http://www.bocklabs.wisc.edu/ and reading the various 
information on ebola and hantaviruses there.  Also 

 | Ed Rybicki, PhD          |  (ed at molbiol.uct.ac.za)  |
 | Dept Microbiology        | University of Cape Town  |    
 | Private Bag, Rondebosch  |   7700, South Africa     |          
 | fax: xx27-21-650 4023    |  tel: xx27-21-650 3265   |  
 |       URL: http://www.uct.ac.za/microbiology        |

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