>>You can not synchronize E.coli by subculturing them.=20
>>One of the best ways is to set up a chemostat and adjust the doubling=
> time
>>of the culture so that to adjust the growth rate. There are lots=
> of
>>references out there about setting up chemostats.
>>Another way is to work with a temperature sensitive mutant (that=
> is not
>>a lethal mutation). Raise the temprature to that point to stop growth
>>then shift the temperature down to normal (say 37). this would provise
>>synchrony for a while.
>>>>Good Luck
>>>>>Whilst you can do many things with chemostat cultures, I am afraid=
> that
>they cannot be used to produce synchronous growth in the way that=
> is
>suggested here.
>I agree that setting up a chemostat by it self will not synchronize
the culture. However, in theory, you can use the chemostat to in induce
synchrony for a couple of generations. This can be accomplished by taking
a steady state growing culture under the nutrient limitation of choice,
and shutting down the nutrient supply. This would bring all the cells
in the population to the same growth point, i.e. finshed replication.
Now by starting the limiting nutrient supply again, a synchronized
culture should start. This process resembles the methods utilized
using the conventional batch cultures with nutrient shift down. The
advantage of utilizing a chemostat is that you know where the culture
to be synchronized is starting from, i.e. growth rate, limiting nutrient, mass doubling time
The problem with this is the laborious techniques involved in setting
up a chemostat.
Best Regards
Feras Hantash