>Resent-date: Sun, 08 Jan 1995 21:00:34 +0000 (UT)
>Date: Sun, 08 Jan 1995 20:26:58 +0000 (GMT)
>Resent-from: server-daemon at dl.ac.uk>From: hantash at ccwf.cc.utexas.edu (Feras Hantash)
>Subject: Re: synchronous growth of E. coli
>Sender: "bionet.microbiology mail newsgroup" <server-daemon at dl.ac.uk>
>To: "bionet.microbiology mail newsgroup" <bionet-news at dl.ac.uk>
>Reply-to: hantash at ccwf.cc.utexas.edu (Feras Hantash)
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>>In article <78932379934n12 at>,
>Chris=3DMichiels%LMM%AGR at agr.kuleuven.ac.be says:
>>>>I read in a microbiology textbook that synchronous growth can be=
the result of
>>temperature changes, nutrient limitation and other manipulations.
>>Could someone tell me how synchronization is generally achieved=
for E. coli,
>>and how it can be easily monitored?
>>Is it possible that just diluting an overnight E. coli broth culture=
grown at
>>into fresh medium at 30=83C is sufficient for a few synchronized=
>>You can not synchronize E.coli by subculturing them.=20
>One of the best ways is to set up a chemostat and adjust the doubling=
>of the culture so that to adjust the growth rate. There are lots=
>references out there about setting up chemostats.
>Another way is to work with a temperature sensitive mutant (that=
is not
>a lethal mutation). Raise the temprature to that point to stop growth
>then shift the temperature down to normal (say 37). this would provise
>synchrony for a while.
>>Good Luck
>>Whilst you can do many things with chemostat cultures, I am afraid=
they cannot be used to produce synchronous growth in the way that=
suggested here.
John W. Patching
The Martin Ryan Marine Science Institute
University College Galway, Ireland
Email: John.Patching at UCG.IE
Phone: +353-91-24411 Ext 2398
=46ax: +353-91-750456