strep and penicillin resistance

J. Tudor jtudor at sju.edu
Fri Jan 6 09:37:26 EST 1995

vhowitz.sas.upenn.edu wrote:
: My son has had two strep infections in the last three weeks.  The doctor
: keeps prescribing amoxicillin for it claiming that S. pyogenes isn't able
: to develop resistance to this antibiotic.  Does anyone know if this is
: true and if so why

As far as I know, there is no reason that S. pyogenes cannot develop resistance to amoxicillin.  This antibiotic is susceptible to beta-lactamases.  The bigger question is:  Are you sure that it is S. pyogenes?  Has your doctor made a culture?  Has he done a sensitivity to determine antibiotic susceptibilities?  If not, I recommend that you insist on it.


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