fungal antibiotics

KSROSTAND at bmg.bhs.uab.edu KSROSTAND at bmg.bhs.uab.edu
Tue Jan 3 18:29:27 EST 1995

This is a question from a high school student in our lab:

Hello, I am a 9th grader in high school and I have a question that 
concerns a science project that I am working on. My project is using 
natural products as antibiotics in order to kill bacteria. I would like 
to know how I should test these natural products. First, I have grown 
fungi and mold from swabs and now I would like to know how to test these 
on my bacteria. Should I extract from the mold and fungi or should I 
simply put the mold and fungi on top of a lawn of bacteria? Thank you 
for your help.  

Lillis Taylor
Kathy Rostand, Ph.D.
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics
University of Alabama in Birmingham
Birmingham, AL 35294
TEL: (205) 934-1967
FAX: (205) 975-2547
e-mail: ksrostand at bmg.bhs.uab.edu

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