strep and penicillin resistance

Stephen Perry stvperry at rain.org
Tue Jan 3 18:57:41 EST 1995

In article <vhowitz.sas.upenn.edu-0301951026250001 at binnslab2.bio.upenn.edu>, vhowitz.sas.upenn.edu says:
>My son has had two strep infections in the last three weeks.  The doctor
>keeps prescribing amoxicillin for it claiming that S. pyogenes isn't able
>to develop resistance to this antibiotic.  Does anyone know if this is
>true and if so why?

S.pyogenes is very sensitive to penicillin and that is the drug of choice.
I have not read of any case where a resistant organism has been found but
you might want to switch to erythromycin anyway. I don't think it is safe to
say that S. pyogenes isn't able to develope resistance, just look at S. faecalis.

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