M. tuberculosis and Peruvian mummy

Herveg at bian.ucl.ac.be Herveg at bian.ucl.ac.be
Tue Feb 28 09:18:48 EST 1995

I read the paper below on epidemiology of tuberculosis:

Insertion element IS986 from Mycobacterium tuberculosis: a useful tool for
diagnosis and epidemiology oftuberculosis. 

Hermans PW; van Soolingen D; Dale JW; Schuitema AR; McAdam RA; Catty D; van
Embden JD

Could elements like IS986 be used to study the geographic origin (Asian,
European) of Mycobacterium tuberculosis found in a 9th century mummy in
Peru. I tried without succes to find something on the topic in the
It is perhaps a layman stupid question.
But it is difficult fo me to imagine that the Amerindians brougth the M.
tuberculosis with them through the Berhing more tha 10.000 years ago: this
Berhing and North America crossing seems a kind of selection against those
bearing it. 

Jean-Pierre Herveg

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