New Biotechnology Discussion Group

Stefan Gruenwald grunwald at netcom.com
Sat Feb 25 21:55:25 EST 1995

Dear colleagues:

A novel international Biotechnology Discussion List (BIZ-BIOTECH) has 
been created. 

Subscription address:        listserv at netcom.com
Biz-biotech owner address:   grunwald at netcom.com
Posting address:             biz-biotech at netcom.com

* How to SUBSCRIBE to biz-biotech:

    Send the following message

* How to UNSUBSCRIBE from biz-biotech:

    Send the following message

One of the major goals the of BIZ-BIOTECH list is to bring together 
scientist and business professionals from industry and academia that work 
biomedical and biotechnical projects. To share information on ideas, 
projects, resources etc., creating a world-wide information and 
communication-forum around BIOTECHNOLOGY and its business applications 
and opportunities.

Topics of BIZ-BIOTECH include discussion about:
   Technology Transfer
   Public and private sector R&D efforts and resources
   Technical expertise and resources
   Technologies available for licensing and/or cooperative R&D
   Funding requests
   Venture capital sources
   Discussion about new product ideas
   Announcement of new products on the market
   Novel or existing biotechnological companies
   Biotechnology stocks
   Job opportunities

Subscribers to this list may be researcher from academia, industry 
professionals, clinicians, students and other individuals interested in 
the topic of biotechnology and its commercial possibilities. Subscribers 
are encouraged to send messages of interest to BIZ-BIOTECH at NETCOM.COM. 
Personal messages and personal replies should be sent to an individual 
and NOT to the whole list. Otherwise, it might annoy other colleague 
BIZ-BIOTECH subscribers. Obviously, replies of general interest should be 
send to the entire list.

BIZ-BIOTECH is currently an open, unmoderated list. Any postings are 
automatically accepted. The list owner is Stefan Gruenwald (e-mail: 
grunwald at netcom.com). Subscribers are encouraged to support BIZ-BIOTECH 
actively within their own organizations and personal or professional 
net-works. The larger BIZ-BIOTECH becomes, the more useful it will be to 
all its subscribers. Commercial messages which are of general interest to 
the subscribers are allowed on BIZ-BIOTECH.

For further information about BIZ-BIOTECH, please send an e-mail to

Stefan Gruenwald
(grunwald at netcom.com)
BIZ-BIOTECH listowner

More information about the Microbio mailing list

Send comments to us at biosci-help [At] net.bio.net