ASM meeting in Darwin

Ivan Bastian ivan at MENZIES.SU.EDU.AU
Sun Feb 26 08:37:58 EST 1995

The Northern Territory (NT) sub-branch of the Australian Society for
Microbiology (ASM) is holding a conference in Darwin on May 19,20. Guest
speakers and local researchers will make presentations on a range of topics
including: streptococcal infections, hepatitis, donovanosis, mycology,
molecular biology etc. The conference coincides with the Australian Society
for Infectious Diseases (ASID) meeting a few days later.

Australian (and perhaps international) readers of this newsgroup may be
interested to attend. Detailed programs and registration forms can be
obtained from me. Please contact me at the address given below or by e-mail
as I do not have ready access to a newsreader.

Ivan Bastian, President, ASM NT sub-branch
Microbiology Registrar, Royal Darwin Hospital
PO Box 41326, Casuarina, N.T., Australia, 0811
Phone: (089) 22-8971, Fax: (089) 22-8843
Email: ivan at menzies.su.edu.au

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