maths and microbiology

dougherty dougherty at synapse.bms.com
Fri Feb 24 18:49:00 EST 1995

In article <3ihsnf$3tf at mserv1.dl.ac.uk>, <ISING at macollamh.ucd.ie> says:
>Ian Singleton,
>Industrial Microbiol. Dept.
>University College,
>Dublin 4.
>>E-mail ising at macollamh.ucd.ie   

Dear Ian,
The book "Models in Biology: Mathematics, Statistics and Computing" by D. Brown
and P. Rothery may be what you are looking for.  It has chapters on exponential
growth, single cell growth dynamics and statistical treatment of populations.  It
is published by John Wiley & Sons, and was released in 1993.  Hope that this is 
of help to you.

	Tom Dougherty
	Dept. of Microbiology

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