E. coli O157

GnedC gnedc at aol.com
Wed Feb 22 23:11:53 EST 1995

We use sorbitol EMB for primary isolation.  It is just like regular EMB
but has sorbitol substitued for the lactose.  As most E.coli strains are
sorbitol positive and E.coli O:157 is sorbitol negative, suspect colonies
are clear (sorbitol negative) and may be picked for further study.  We use
a latex kit sold by Remel in  Lanexa, Kansas 800-255-6730.  The latex kit
works well to detect the O antigen, but does not confirm the H antigen.  I
also read an article thatsaid  E.coli O:157 also has a distinct MicroScan
Profile number, but I can't give you the reference.

G. Ned Christensen
Eugene, OR

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