Difco ESP

HANS BUSK hans.busk at dkb.dk
Tue Feb 21 14:08:00 EST 1995

RF> What do you mean by "leak" errors?  When we started using the Difco,

"Leak error" is the message from the system. Usually the plotting of the 
values is just a flat line close to zero, but sometimes there have been 
an initial increase in pressure, and the leak will show in 6 - 14 hours. 
Nothing abnormal to see on the graph.

We are very carefull about placing the bottles correctly, and finish by 
turning them at least 90 degrees to make sure they are seated properly.
On a close inspection of the bottles with leak errors they seem to be 
seated fine.

Hans Erik Busk
 * RM 1.3 02496 * Unable to boot. Read online documentation for help!

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