Q: strain/plasmid colection managament software ?

Richard_Heath heath at mbcf.stjude.org
Thu Feb 16 13:32:58 EST 1995

We use the Q&A database (DOS version - don't know if there is a windows one) to
organise our 3000-odd strains.  Set up a form with the fields you want, and
there you go...  Q&A may not be the best database (searches aren't very
flexible and table output limited somewhat by size of columns) but it works.


In article <3hde09$kc4 at highway.LeidenUniv.nl>, sby3ms at rulsfb.LeidenUniv.nl (MARCO SIMONS) writes:
> Can anyone give some information on Dos/Windows software that can
> help a microbiological laboratory keep bacterial strain and plasmid 
> collections accessible and organized ?
> I guess that there must be a lab out there that uses specialized software ?
> If not, is there literature on collection management ?
> Please respond to this group or via Email,
> thanks in advance,
> Marco Simons
> institute for plant Molecular Sciences
> Clusius laboratory
> University of Leiden 
> (founded 8 february 1575 -> already 420 years without 
> strain collection software !)
> Wassenaarseweg 64
> 2333 AL Leiden
> the Netherlands
> Clusius laboratory, Institute of Molecular Plant Sciences
> BTW. This call for information doensn't mean that out strain collection is 
> messy, but the strain administration is to be updated.....

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