Blood Culture Collection

Kathryn S. Black ksblack at detroit.freenet.org
Thu Feb 16 19:10:01 EST 1995

In a previous article, mjrg at IAC.NET ("mary j. r. gilchrist") says:

>A colleague has requested advice about collection of blood 
>cultures.  They were using the 20 ml vacutainer but BD 
>making it so they have gone to collecting 2-10 ml samples in 
>separate tubes for injection into Septi-Chek bottles.  Since 
>they are usually collecting other vacutainers, this is the 
>route that they take rather than a syringe and direct 
>inoculation into the Septi-Chek.  What alternatives would you 
>suggest for them?
>Name: Mary J.R. Gilchrist, Ph.D.
>Director of Clinical Microbiology
>VAMC 113
>3200 Vine Street
>Cincinnati OH 45220
>Phone: (513) 559-6654   FAX (513) 559-5665
>E-mail: mjrg
>Date: 02/15/95
>Time: 09:44:38
>This message was sent by Chameleon 
An alternative is to use blood culture adaptors available from BBL and
others in conjunction with a blood collection set (butterflies).  Mark
the desired fill level on the side of the blood culture bottle.  Insert 
the bottle in the adaptor until the fluid level reaches the mark.  Remove
the blood culture bottle, then fill the other tubes to be drawn.
Kate Black   ksblack at detroit.freenet.org    rcblack at oeonline.com
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