help needed: bioremediation

Douglas Haefele haefeled at phibred.com
Thu Feb 16 17:13:04 EST 1995

In article <3hr3jk$jln at newsbf02.news.aol.com>, cjk15 at aol.com (CJK15) wrote:

> anybody who has any information on bioremediation please E-mail me. I am
> writing a research paper to try to determine if bioremediation is a viable
> form of waste destruction. Any help would be much appreciated
> Cullen Knights
> btfw55c at prodigy.com
> cjk15 at aol.com


There are numerous recent review articles for you to start with. For some
broad reviews you might start with:

- Orzech, Solyst, and Thompson. 1991. State's use of bioremediation:
advantages, constraints, and strategies. Natural resources policy studies,
center for policy research, national governors' association. ISBN

- Gibson and Sayler. 1992. Scientific foundations of bioremediation;
current status and future needs. American Academy of Microbiology.

- USEPA. 1993. Cleaning up the nation's waste sites: markets and
technology trends. EPA 542-r-92-012. The USEPA has published a lot of
relevant information.

Or perhaps:

Rittmann et al. 1992. A critical review of in situ bioremediation.
Prepared for The Gas Research Institute and the USDOE (contract
de-fc21-86mc10637) Available from Info Team Inc., Merton Allen Associates,
PO Box 15640, Plantation, FL 33318.

- Atlas and Bartha. 1992. hydrocarbon biodegradation and oil spill
bioremediation. Advances in microbial ecology, Vol. 12, page 287.

- Singleton. 1994. microbial metabolism of xenobiotics: fundamental and
applied research. J. Chem. Tech. Biotechnol. 59, 9-23.

And there are several books available which review the subject as well.
Try the one that has Jack Sheldon as a co-author (I forget the name and
other authors, sorry.)

Have fun. Best, Doug

Doug Haefele

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